An unforgettable adventure to discover one of the most fascinating and evocative archipelagos in Italy

Book your holiday

Ready to start your adventure aboard the Shida?

The rental cost of the Shida Catamaran starts from €18,000.00 + VAT + APA* for a minimum of 8 consecutive days.

Payments will be made to New Sound City S.r.l, owner and manager of the activities. The references will be indicated in detail on the rental contract

Follow the directions below to book your holiday

*APA The APA, advance provisioning allowance, represents an expense fund that usually amounts to around 25% of the rental cost that the customer makes available to the captain or the charter company for various ancillary expenses that will be incurred during the rental period.

Choose the period you prefer according to availability

Select a minimum of 8 consecutive days (e.g. Mon-Mon)

Fill out the form on the side of the calendar in its entirety

The data will be used to compile the rental contract proposal to be evaluated which will be sent within 24 hours to the email address indicated in the form

Receive the rental contract and "block" your reservation

Confirm your booking by signing the contract and paying the deposit. On the contract you will find all the information on costs and how to send the documents

Pay the rental fee and leave for your holiday!

On the contract you will find instructions on how to proceed to pay the rental fee within 1 week of departure

The days selected on the calendar, once the request has been sent, will be in “Waiting” mode for a maximum of 48 hours.

Failure to pay the deposit within this period of time will cancel the booking and the dates will become available again.

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